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The Sponsor Committee (SC) has a close relationship with the Commanding Officer.


The CO is responsible for the development and implementation of the training program which consists of mandatory and optional elements. The DND sets the mandatory elements and provides the CO and staff with the necessary personnel, equipment and financial resources for that part of the program.


The Sponsor Committee is responsible for providing volunteers, equipment and financial resources to conduct the optional elements. Our SC is very active and involved in providing the officers with the support they need to continue making the program fun, energetic and challenging. We are dependent on parent assistance and participation to achieve these goals.


The Cadets, Officers and staff are truly grateful for the many efforts of the SC and parents.

Your Cadet Corps would not exist without their support and assistance. Many thanks.


To contact your SC Chair please click here

© 2019 by 2277 RCACC.

Once a Seaforth, always a Seaforth!

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