Getting Involved
There are many ways that adults can get involved with 2277 RCACC. Please contact the Commanding Officer for more information.
Documents for Volunteers
Become a Volunteer
Ask the Commanding Officer or SC Chair if there is a need for volunteers. 2277 RCACC uses adult volunteers for driving on weekend activities, helping around the armories during training nights or for special activities. Volunteers give their time in a variety of ways, for example:
• Supervising Tag Events
• Web Master
• Band Master
• Photographer
• Running the canteen
• Promotion interviews - SC Chair Only
• Publishing a newsletter
• Coordinating a mess dinner
• Helping with special events
• Driving cadets to and from events
• Media relations representative for the Corps
• Coordinating the Duke of Edinburgh’s Awards program, etc
.• Join the Support Committee 2277 RCACC would not be able to function without the valuable backing of our Support Committee.
They are responsible for things that the Department of National Defense doesn't cover such as trips, supplies and fundraising.
How Can Parents Help?
You can do a great deal to help your son/daughter become successful at 2277 RCACC. The most important thing is to show an interest in their success and training and to support them during the year.
These include:
• Helping them organize their after-school schedule so that there will be time for Army Cadets and schoolwork
• Reminding them to look after their uniform on a weekly basis (washing, pressing, shining, etc.)
• Including 2277 RCACC activities such as weekend training into the family calendar
• Trying to avoid conflicts with major activities such as Annual Reviews
• Transporting your son/daughter (and maybe their friends) to parade nights and picking them up at the end of the night
• Encouraging them to participate in Corps teams and activities. The more they put in the Corps, the more they will get out of it.
Become a Civilian Instructor
If you can devote time on a regular basis to the Corps, or if you have special skills(scuba diving, first aid, photography, etc.) you could become a Civilian Instructor. Civilian Instructors are considered part of the staff complement of a Corps.
Become a CIC Officer
The Cadet Instructor Cadre (CIC) are members of the Canadian Forces Reserves whose primary duties are to instruct cadets. Officers must be able to attend regularly (both regular parade nights and weekend activities) as well as take training courses offered through the military. CIC Officers receive pay, uniforms, and training through the Canadian Forces and are eligible for promotion after meeting national standards.
Click here to learn more about the CIC.
Why wait? Contact us today or stop by and talk to 2277 Commanding Officer or PSC Chair.
Helping 2277 RCACC become a stronger Corp makes it more rewarding for both you and your cadet. Don’t miss another minute.