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The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Regimental Association


The Seaforth Highlanders of Canada Regimental Association was formed in 1917 primarily to promote and maintain the comradeship of the war time years.  When the Regiment returned from active service it also took on the responsibility of providing assistance to members and their families who needed help in readjusting to civilian life.  The organization’s role has remained more or less the same since that time although the nature of the support it provides to the regiment and its extended family has changed over the years the principal of “Once a Seaforth – always a Seaforth” remains.

















The Association supports the Regiments and also a supports all 6 Seaforth Cadet Corps including 2277.


The Association produces a newsletter five times a year, holds an annual dinner on or about the anniversary of the Battle of Vimy, and represents the unit at the annual BC Highland Games in June of every year.  All former members of the unit, the cadet corps and the patrons are entitled to membership and, last year, eligibility was extended to all former members of any highland unit in Canadian or allied forces.

Association Executive Meetings are held on the 3rd Thursday of the month at 1930hrs in the Anderson Room of the Jericho Garrison. No meetings are normally held in July or August. Members are welcome to attend.


Contact: Doug Newton


© 2019 by 2277 RCACC.

Once a Seaforth, always a Seaforth!

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