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We have a number of Officers and Civilian Instructors at 2277 who deliver the program. It is MANDATORY that they execute their roles to keep the Corps running. Those roles include: Star Level Training, Stores, Supervision and Discipline, Administration, Leadership, attending ongoing Officer training, etc. If they don’t show up, nothing happens for Cadets. We have approximately 70+ Cadets in four training star programs and a variety of other optional training activities.


For a Cadet to pass through a star program (to the next level), the Training Officer needs to sign off that they have attended and completed the necessary classes, training, expeditions etc., that the levels require. These classes are held on Tuesdays for the Star levels.


Attendance on Tuesdays is MANDATORY. That means, regardless of your star level or time served at the Corps – Tuesday nights, you should be at the Corps. If the Cadet is a Senior, they are expected to be in a leadership position, assisting with giving lessons and generally helping with the junior Cadets. The only valid excuse for not being at the Corps on Tuesdays is illness (or final exams). The parents can email the Administration Officer to be excused. Legitimate non attendance is marked as AE (absense excused) and does not count against attendance records. The attendance is formally tracked as one of the admin mandatory responsibilities, so we know exactly what the participation is.


On Tuesday evenings, Cadets should be dropped off at about 6:15 (for a 6:30pm start) and picked up at 8:55 (for a 9:15pm lockup). Neither drop-off nor pickup allow for late arrivals. Late Cadet collection is not an option that can be accommodated.


Cadets attend an opening parade and then divide up for training in their respective Star level groups. There is a “canteen” break midway through the evening when cadets may purchase canteen items. $5.00 is usually enough money for a snack and a drink. Cadets are welcome to bring a snack and a drink from home. On physical training nights (the last Tuesday of the month), the parent committee will often sell pizza slices to the cadets. All funds go back to the Cadet program. Different dress codes apply for different types of training and your cadet will be informed about what they should wear to each event by their Section Leader.


On pickup, please park your car and come INSIDE for the final parade in the gym. At this parade you will hear announcements from the CO and Officers about items coming up within that month. There are often promotions and general notices that will affect you and your cadet for the next week.


Signup sheet for events are also posted on the notice board and usually completed after the evening closing parade.




The Corps FTX’s are MANDATORY and part of the training. Many people are spending a lot of money, time and effort to organize them and anyways, they’re FUN. We have a Corps FTX in the SPRING, FALL and WINTER. It’s part of the training.



Corps FTX’s (field training exercises) can occur two times per year. Attendance is mandatory. These provide hands-on training exercises for Cadets. Usually during Spring, Fall and Winter. The Silver and Gold Star Training Levels also each have additional expeditions which include hiking and mountain biking.



Every Remembrance Day, Cadets are expected to participate in one of the Remembrance Day ceremonies in Surrey. Most cadets will parade in the LAngley parade, but some will parade in Fort Langley and Cloverdale


ORTONA DINNER (Mid December)

This is a Seaforth tradition. A recreation of the war-time Ortona Dinner is presented by the PSC and served by the Officers in December.



Cadets are expected to attend the Vimy memorial in Cloverdale at the Cenataph. .


Christmas Parade (Begining of December)

Since 2010 2277 RCACC has attended the Langley Christmas parade and as of 2014 we have attended the Cloverdale Chirstmas Parade.



Several times a year the Cadets must participate in the poppy drive or tag days. This is a significant source of fundraising revenue for the Corps and Legions. Participation is MANDATORY and recorded.



2277 ACR takes place in June, usually at the H.D. Stafford Secondary School. This is an opportunity for families and friends to come out and see what their cadets have been learning through the year and enjoy reception together. Participation is MANDATORY and non-attendance will affect Summer Training Opportunities.




Some cadets choose to participate in greater training in certain component areas. This training generally takes place on optional training evenings or weekends. You can not participate in optional activities if you do not attend the regular training evenings.


Optional activities can include


  • Biathlon,

  • Marksmanship,

  • Drill,

  • First Aid,

  • Band,

  • Pipes and Drums,

  • Orienteering,

  • Duke of Edinburgh expeditions,

  • Summer Camp

  • Fieldcraft,

  • Scottish Exchange

  • Canoeing

  • Abseiling

  • Mountain Biking


There is no obligation to participate in optional activities until a cadet has committed to this training. Many volunteer officer hours are involved in preparing and delivering these programs. The demand for some programs is great and therefore try-outs or application procedures are in place to select deserving candidates. Weight is given to attendance at mandatory events, participation, deportment and attitude at the Corps.


All optional activities are run by the volunteer efforts of Officers, Civilian Instructors, Cadet staff or parents. Activities will only be organized if the minimum demand requirements for the activity are met, though some activities are available through combined efforts with other Highland units. Where there is insufficient demand an activity may not be offered that year. Announcements and sign up for these activities take place at Tuesday parades.


Other opportunities may arise during the year, be initiated by the Cadets or the supporting regimental units such as;


Flag party at the BC Games,

Flag party at BC Lions games,

Winter Survival with the supporting Regiment,

Bridge Building with the support Regiments,

C7 shooting with the supporting Regiments,

Large-bore Marksmanship with BC Rifle Association (non Cadet activity),

and various expeditions to interesting places.

© 2019 by 2277 RCACC.

Once a Seaforth, always a Seaforth!

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